Using RevBayes with Docker

Using a platform-independent container to run RevBayes on your computer or a computing cluster

Sarah Swiston

Last modified on June 19, 2023


Docker is a way to share pre-build, pre-configured, and platform-independent sets of programs and files. On the development side, a Dockerfile (a list of commands for building and configuring programs/files) is used to build an image, which can then be shared with others. On the user side, the image can be downloaded and run to create a container. Inside the container, you have access to all of the programs contained in the image, as well as any files you mount to the container when you run the image. It works a bit like a virtual machine, except it runs on top of the host operating system. A Docker image containing RevBayes, TensorPhylo, Python, R, Julia, and several other programs can be found on Docker Hub.

This tutorial explains how to install Docker on your computer, how to obtain a RevBayes Docker image, and how to use the image to run scripts on your computer or a computing cluster. This will require a basic familiarity with command line (navigating directories and entering basic commands), but does not require much programming.

Setting up the tutorial

Downloading a test script

This tutorial includes a test script called test.Rev so that you can assess whether the RevBayes Docker container is functioning properly after being installed. The test script can be found in the Data files and scripts box in the left sidebar of the tutorial page. Somewhere on your computer, you should create a directory (folder) for this tutorial, download the test script, and put the test script inside the directory. You can put this directory anywhere you want on your computer, but you will need to know the filepath to the directory in order to access it from the Docker container.

Setting up Docker

Joining Docker Hub

On Docker Hub, there are many Docker images available that contain a wide variety of programs. To use these images (including the RevBayes image), you will need to create an account. Docker Hub is free to join.

Installing Docker Desktop

In order to use Docker on your computer, you will have to download and install Docker Desktop. The desktop app allows your computer to run Docker images, and also provides a GUI for interacting with images and containers. Whenever you want to use a Docker image, you will need to start the Docker daemon first, and opening Docker Desktop is the simplest way to do this (although there are a few other ways to start the Docker daemon). Docker has versions for Mac, Windows, and Linux. The RevBayes Docker image should work on any of these platforms.

Downloading the image

A Docker image containing RevBayes, TensorPhylo, Python, R, Julia, and several other programs can be found at The easiest way to obtain this image is with a docker pull command.

First, open Docker Desktop. This starts the Docker daemon so that you can run docker commands. If you do not open Docker Desktop first, you will receive an error when you try to run a docker command. Then, in the desktop app, sign into your Docker Hub account.

Next, open your command line and enter the following pull command:

docker pull sswiston/rb_tp:4

Docker will automatically store the image on your computer in a directory reserved for Docker images. You will not have to manually locate this image; Docker will be able to find it.

Image tags

If you go to the repository, you will see that there are several available images with different tags. These are built using different versions of programs, which are listed in the README. For this tutorial, we will use the image tagged :4.

Using RevBayes via Docker

Running RevBayes image via Docker Desktop

You can use the Docker Desktop GUI to run the RevBayes Docker image. Once you have run the image, you will be able to use RevBayes inside the Docker container, and run scripts. Here are the steps you will need to get RevBayes running:

  1. Open Docker Desktop. If you are not already signed in to your Docker Hub account, sign in now (there will be an option in the upper right corner of screen).

  2. There will be a tab on the lefthand side called images. In this tab, you will see all of the images you have downloaded.

  3. Hovering over an image should give a run option. Click this option.

  4. This should bring you to a screen with a dropdown menu called optional settings. You will want to click on this menu and change a few settings.

  5. Add a name to your container. This is not strictly necessary, but it’s very helpful if you plan to have multiple containers opened at a time. Otherwise, Docker will give the container a randomized name.

  6. Enter a host path. This is how you tell Docker where to find your scripts on the host machine (your computer). To run the test script for this tutorial, you will have to tell Docker what directory to look in. You will need to use the absolute filepath to the directory. You can manually enter the filepath to this directory, or you can navigate to it using the ... button. For example, if I put the test script in a directory called docker_tutorial on my desktop, I would put the filepath /Users/Sarah/Desktop/docker_tutorial. You can mount multiple directories from your host machine using the + button.

  7. Enter a container path. This is how you will access your files while inside the Docker container. Mounting a directory in this way essentially creates a “connection” between the directory on the outside of the container (on your host machine) and inside the container. While inside the container, you will be able to see all of the contents of a mounted directory, including other sub-directories. For example, if you run RevBayes and want it to read a file from your host machine, you will use this filepath while inside the container. If you want to save files to your host machine from inside the Docker container, you will also use this filepath. There isn’t a specific place inside the Docker container where you have to mount the directory, and it doesn’t have to have the same name as the directory on your host machine. For example, you could call it /tutorial, which would put a directory called tutorial in the container’s home directory with your test script in it.

  8. Click the run option.

  9. Another tab on the lefthand side of the screen should be called containers. Clicking this option should bring you to a screen showing all of the containers you currently have running.

  10. To access the container as it is running, hovering over your container should give a >_ option to open its command prompt. Clicking this option will open a command prompt window. Congrats, you are inside the Docker container! You should be able to access all of the programs and files in the container, and also the directory you mounted from your host machine.

  11. Navigate to the location of your test script with cd [filepath], using the filepath that you mounted your directory to in Step 7.

  12. Now you can use RevBayes to run the test script with the command rb test.Rev. This should open RevBayes and run the script, which will give a message indicating that it has been run correctly:

   Processing file "test.Rev"
   Congrats! RevBayes is working!

Running RevBayes image via command line

You can also run the RevBayes Docker image directly from command line. This will still require opening Docker Desktop to start the Docker daemon.

  1. Open Docker Desktop. If you are not already signed in to your Docker Hub account, sign in now (there will be an option in the upper right corner of screen).

  2. Open command prompt.

  3. Run the command for opening the RevBayes Docker image:

     docker run --name [my_container] --volume [local_directory]:[container_directory] -i sswiston/rb_tp:4 /bin/bash

    Some parts of this command are directly analogous to the optional settings from the RevBayes GUI.

    • --name adds a name to your container. This is not strictly necessary, but it’s very helpful if you plan to have multiple containers opened at a time. Otherwise, Docker will give the container a randomized name.

    • --volume [local_directory]: is how you tell Docker where to find your scripts on the host machine (your computer). To run the test script for this tutorial, you will have to tell Docker what directory to look in. You will need to use the absolute filepath to the directory. For example, if I put the test script in a directory called docker_tutorial on my desktop, I would put the filepath /Users/Sarah/Desktop/docker_tutorial. You can mount multiple directories from your host machine by adding multiple --volume arguments.

    • [container_directory] is how you will access your files while inside the Docker container. Mounting a directory in this way essentially creates a “connection” between the directory on the outside of the container (on your host machine) and inside the container. While inside the container, you will be able to see all of the contents of a mounted directory, including other sub-directories. For example, if you run RevBayes and want it to read a file from your host machine, you will use this filepath while inside the container. If you want to save files to your host machine from inside the Docker container, you will also use this filepath. There isn’t a specific place inside the Docker container where you have to mount the directory, and it doesn’t have to have the same name as the directory on your host machine. For example, you could call it /tutorial, which would put a directory called tutorial in the container’s home directory with your test script in it.

    • -it is for opening an interactive container. Docker containers can also be used to automatically run scripts and terminate when they are completed, but you will need an interactive container for this tutorial.

    • sswiston/rb_tp:4 is the name of the Docker image you want to use.

    • /bin/bash opens up a Bash shell so that you can enter commands. This will allow you to launch RevBayes and run scripts.

    Congrats, you are inside the Docker container! You should be able to access all of the programs and files in the container, and also the directory you mounted from your host machine.

  4. Navigate to the location of your test script with cd [filepath], using the filepath that you mounted your directory to in Step 3.

  5. Now you can use RevBayes to run the test script with the command rb test.Rev. This should open RevBayes and run the script, which will give a message indicating that it has been run correctly:

   Processing file "test.Rev"
   Congrats! RevBayes is working!

Running on a cluster

Some high-performance computing clusters allow (or require) users to implement Docker images. For the most part, using a Docker image on a computing cluster is like using the image via command line on your own machine. You can mount directories, start a container, and use the programs inside to run scripts. However, there can be some additional considerations, depending on how the particular cluster is organized.

Example: Wustl RIS

Washington University in Saint Louis Research Infrastructure Services (Wustl RIS) has a scientific compute platform that requires Docker to run jobs. Each job opens a separate Docker container. Interactive jobs allow users to access an interactive container where they can enter commands, start programs, and run scripts. Non-interactive jobs open a non-interactive container that automatically runs certain scripts, and then both the container and job terminate. In this example, we will show a non-interactive job.

Wustl RIS uses bsub commands to submit jobs. These commands can be written in one line, but they often have many arguments, so it can be helpful to put together a Bash script that constructs the bsub command. Here is an example:

LSF_DOCKER_VOLUMES="[Storage Directory]:/project"

bsub \
-G [Compute Group] \
-q general \
-n 5 -M 20GB -R "rusage [mem=20GB] span[hosts=1]" \
-J $NAME \
-o $OUTDIR$NAME.stdout.txt \
-a 'docker(sswiston/rb_tp:4)' /bin/bash /project/

Let’s pick apart the elements of this script. There is a section at the top for defining variables, and then a bsub command using those variables.

After defining important variables, there is a multi-line bsub command that actually submits the job. It has several arguments:

You may wonder why we don’t immediately call RevBayes and run a .Rev script. This is possible to do. However, the Wustl RIS cluster overwrites the PATH variable inside the Docker container, which means that RevBayes can’t be found with a simple rb command. Instead, you would have to specify the full filepath to the RevBayes binary inside the container, which is /revbayes/projects/installer/rb. You may also want to add extra information to the rb command (like defining variables for your analyses). It can be easier to use a shell script to call RevBayes while inside the container. Here is an example:


echo $rb_command | rb

In this short script, RevBayes is added to the PATH variable inside the container. Then a RevBayes command is constructed. It has two parts: setting variable_1 to have a value of test, and sourcing the script rev_script.Rev. The final line pipes this command into RevBayes, which sets variable_1 equal to test and runs rev_script.Rev.

This example highlights two main differences between using the RevBayes Docker image on your local machine and using it on the Wustl RIS computing cluster. First, the analyses must be submitted as jobs (common amongst computing clusters). Second, the job submission process overwrites the PATH variable inside the Docker container, so you will have to know where to find the programs you want to use. Other computing clusters may have similar challenges. Before running lengthy jobs or batches of jobs, it is recommended that you try out a test job or two and make sure they work as expected. Generally, the Docker image will function the same on any platform, and all of the programs should run correctly with appropriate input scripts.